Primitive Polynomial
In different branches of mathematics, primitive polynomial may refer to:
- Primitive polynomial (field theory), a minimal polynomial of an extension of finite fields
- Primitive polynomial (ring theory), a polynomial with coprime coefficients
- 首先从定义中可知,有限域上的本原多项式一定是不可约多项式(irreducible)。
Proof:根据定义可知,本原多项式是满足本原根的最小多项式。 - 有限域 $\operatorname{GF}(p)$ 上的 $m$ 次不可约多项式 $F(x)$(其中 $p$ 是质数),如果满足 $F(x)$ 整除 $x^n - 1$ 最小$n$ 等于 $p^m - 1$,则多项式 $F(x)$为本原多项式。
Proof:最小$n$ 等于 $p^m - 1$意味着 $F(x)$ 存在一个根仅在${p^m-1}$次的时候才等于1,即为本原单位根。 - $m$次的本原多项式在$\operatorname{GF}(p^m)$有$m$个不同的(共轭)根,均是本原单位根,且这些根构成了一个分圆陪集(cyclic coset)。
Proof:考虑$s$与$p^m-1$互素,那么$sp^k$必与$p^m-1$互素,而且分圆陪集中的元素恰有$m$个$\{s,sp,sp^2,\dots,sp^{m-1}\}$。 - 在$\operatorname{GF}(p)$上,恰好有$\varphi\left(p^m-1\right)$本原元和$\varphi\left(p^m-1\right)/m$本原多项式,次数均为$m$。
如何理解本原多项式引导出的扩域呢?我们可以类比$\mathbb{R}$到$\mathbb{C}$的代数扩展:取$f (x) = x^2 + 1 \in \mathbb{R}(x)$,并将虚数定义为$f (i) = 0$。之后我们可以在$\mathbb{R}$中附加$i$,从而得到一个$\mathbb{R}$上的二维空间$\mathbb{C}$。
我们现在回过头来看$\mathbb{F}_{2^4}=\mathbb{F}_{16}$,选取本原多项式$f(\alpha)=\alpha^4 + \alpha + 1$,我们有$\alpha^4 = \alpha + 1$,从而在$\mathbb{F}_2$中附加$\alpha$,由于$1,\alpha,\alpha^2,\alpha^3$互相之间不存在线性关系,因此我们可以得到一个$\mathbb{F}_2$上的四维空间$\mathbb{F}_{16}$,任何高于四次的多项式都可以通过$\alpha^4 = \alpha + 1$进行简化。(任何高于四维的元素都是线性相关的)
Cyclotomic Coset
Lemma:$(x+y)^{p^m} = x^{p^m} + y^{p^m} \mod p$
Theorem: 如果$\beta \in \mathbb{F}_{p^m}$,那么 $\beta$ 和 $\beta^p$有相同的最小多项式。
Proof: $f\left(\beta^p\right)=\sum f_i \beta^{p i}=\left(\sum f_i \beta^i\right)^p=(f(\beta))^p=0$
我们进一步来看一些有趣的性质:我们令本原多项式为$f(\alpha)=\alpha^4 + \alpha + 1$,可以看到$\alpha, \alpha^2, \alpha^4, \alpha^8$有相同的最小多项式,并且该多项式恰有四个根。
Definition:分圆陪集(Cyclotomic Coset)是一个集合,模$p$的分圆陪集为$\{s,sp,sp^2,\dots,sp^{m-1}\}$。
$m_1(x),m_3(x),m_5(x),m_7(x)$并非都是本原多项式,其中只有$m_1(x), m_7(x)$是本原多项式(1和7与15互素)。注意这些多项式与分圆多项式之间的区别:分圆多项式应该是$m_1(x) m_7(x)$。这是不是又是一种快速求分圆多项式的方法呢?(尝试一下还真是,数学真是奇妙啊!)
之所以叫仙人指路是因为我是看到了这一个例子才理解了Cyclotomic Coset这个概念,放在这里仅供参考。
Over GF(3) the polynomial $x^2+1$ is irreducible but not primitive because it divides $x^4-1$ : its roots generate a cyclic group of order 4 , while the multiplicative group of $\operatorname{GF}\left(3^2\right)$ is a cyclic group of order 8 . The polynomial $x^2+2 x+2$, on the other hand, is primitive. Denote one of its roots by $\alpha$. Then, because the natural numbers less than and relatively prime to $3^2-1=8$ are $1,3,5$, and 7 , the four primitive roots in $\mathrm{GF}\left(3^2\right)$ are $\alpha, \alpha^3=2 \alpha+1, \alpha^5=2 \alpha$, and $\alpha^7=\alpha+2$. The primitive roots $\alpha$ and $\alpha^3$ are algebraically conjugate. Indeed $x^2+2 x+2=(x-\alpha)(x-(2 \alpha+1))$. The remaining primitive roots $\alpha^5$ and $\alpha^7=\left(\alpha^5\right)^3$ are also algebraically conjugate and produce the second primitive polynomial: $x^2+x+2=(x-2 \alpha)(x-(\alpha+2))$.
For degree $3, \operatorname{GF}\left(3^3\right)$ has $\varphi\left(3^3-1\right)=\varphi(26)=12$ primitive elements. As each primitive polynomial of degree 3 has three roots, all necessarily primitive, there are $12 / 3=4$ primitive polynomials of degree 3 . One primitive polynomial is $x^3+2 x+1$. Denoting one of its roots by $\gamma$, the algebraically conjugate elements are $\gamma^3$ and $\gamma^9$. The other primitive polynomials are associated with algebraically conjugate sets built on other primitive elements $\gamma^r$ with $r$ relatively prime to 26 :
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primitive_polynomial
[2] https://wuli.wiki/online/FldExp.html
[3] Ouzan S, Be’ery Y. Moderate-density parity-check codes[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:0911.3262, 2009.
[4] https://user.eng.umd.edu/~abarg/626/